If any of you find or have recipes that you think would be good freezer meal recipes, please email them to me and we can try them! There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing them for these enrichments:
1) The most important requirement is that it has to be assembly only with no cooking required at the church. We aren't actually supposed to cook anything there. We can only assemble food. So, if cooking is required, then we have to be able to bring it cooked - i.e. meat precooked, etc.
2) How runny is it, and how is it stored until it hits the freezer? Example: the chicken and rice pilaf spilled a bit in my car on the way home. Also, my first time, the breakfast casserole spilled all over my cooler. I'm sorry if any of you have had this experience.
3) General price and assembly. Is it going to take forever to make - too detailed? Or, does it use really costly ingredients?
4) Make sure it can be frozen. If you're not sure, try it! If it works, then great!
If you can find or have recipes that fit these, or can be adapted to fit these requirements, then please share them! I'm especially low on desserts and crock pot recipes. Thanks!
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